Meaning of Salma


What is the Meaning of Salma?

Salma is a name with various origins and meanings in different cultures and languages. It is derived from the Arabic word "Salima," which means "safe" or "secure." Here is a detailed response to the given query:

  1. Meaning and origins of the name Salma: The name Salma has Arabic origins and means "safe" or "secure". In Hebrew, it is derived from the word "Shalom," which means "peace". Salma is also a Persian name that means "sweetheart".

  2. Variations and meanings of the name Salma in different languages or local dialects:

  • In Arabic, Salma can also be spelled as Salamah or Salimat.

  • In Hebrew, it can be spelled as Shalma.

  • In Persian, it can also be spelled as Selma or Salema.

Which Countries prefer the name Salma?

Salma is a popular name in Arabic-speaking countries such as Egypt, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. It is also popular in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Top 10 celebrities with the name Salma

There are several notable individuals with the first name Salma.

  1. Salma Hayek, Mexican-American actress

  2. Salma Bennani, Moroccan Queen consort

  3. Salma Paralluelo, Spanish athlete

  4. Salma Khan, Indian film producer

  5. Salma Mahmoud, Egyptian actress

  6. Salma El-Shimy, Egyptian lawyer and activist

  7. Salma Rachid, Moroccan singer

  8. Salma Al-Majidi, Sudanese football coach

  9. Salma Sultana, Bangladeshi politician

  10. Salma Mumin, Ghanaian actress and entrepreneur

Fun facts about the name Salma

Salma Hayek, a well-known Hollywood actress, was named after the Lebanese poet Salma Kikwai.

The name Salma gained popularity in the 20th century due to the rise of actress Salma Hayek's fame.

In the Middle Ages, the name Salma was used as a unisex name in some regions of Europe, including Italy and Spain.

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